你: you離: leave; part from; be away fr ...我: I; my; me遠: far; distant; remote去: go; leave那: a surname是: Semantics沒有: not have; there is not; be w ...大不了: at the worst; if the worst c ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...如果你离开我,那是没有什麽大不了的: it's not a big big thing if you leave me如果你离开我,哪是没有什麽大不了的: its not a big big thing if you leave me当你离我而远去: it’s not a big big thing if you leave me没什麽大不了的: it’s not a big deal当你离我而远去 我再没有选择坚强的理由: it’s not a big big thing if you leave me如果你离开我,没什麽大不了的: it's not a big big thing if you leave me有什么大不了的: big deal大不了的: ripsnorting没看到你离我而去: not to see you look away from me如果你离我而去: if you leave me now大不了的童年: a time for drunken horses那就是为什么(你离我而去): that's why (you go away)但是没有什麽东西能换回这已经流逝的时光: but nothing worth the time ever is没什么大不了的: it's no big deal; no big deal没什么大不了的事: it's nothing serious